The X Meeting of the School Council of the Region of Murcia will take place on Saturday April 24 in the auditorium of the College of Education Child Paseo Rosales de Molina de Segura.
The event was presented at a press conference Wednesday April 21, by the Mayor of the town, Eduardo Contreras Linares, and School Board President of the Region of Murcia, Luis Navarro Candel.
It is a time of fellowship and reflection aimed at the components of the School Councils and Municipal Center, and in general, the entire educational community of the region, focusing on a topical issue in education.
On this occasion, the theme was education, family and technology, highly topical issue with which to analyze not only the speed and scope of new information technologies and communication in our society and educational system but also, and especially, the new responsibilities of parents, due to the gradual introduction of these technological advances in the home, and the dangers of misuse of social networks and access to inappropriate content.
This activity takes place in two phases.
The first has been carried out in twelve municipalities in the region (Eagles, Calasparra, Caravaca de la Cruz, Cartagena, Cieza, Las Torres de Cotillas, Lorca, Murcia, Puerto Lumbreras, San Javier, Totana Yecla) and consisted holding a series of panel discussions involving experts of recognized standing, addressed to the whole school community and especially to parents.
In the second phase, to be held in Molina de Segura on Saturday 24 April, contains the conclusions of these panels and will be held two conferences with which they want to convey, especially to parents attending, the need to educate their children for the proper use of these new resources they put into their hands the information technology and communication.
The meeting agenda is as follows:
09.30 am: Registration and collection of material.
Opening of the children's playroom.
10.00 am: opening ceremony of the meeting, attended by the Minister of Education, Training and Employment of the Region of Murcia, Constantine Sotoca Carrascosa, Mayor of Molina de Segura, Eduardo Contreras Linares, and the Chairman of School Board Murcia, Luis Navarro Candel.
10.15 h.: Minds conference connected.
Technology, school and family, by Francesc Pedró, Senior Policy Analyst, Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) of OECD.
H. 11.45: Pause.
12.15 pm: Presentation of the conclusions of the Roundtable.
12.30 pm: Conference on Children and the Internet.
Opportunities and risks, by Monsoriu Sea Flower, writer and consultant specializing in Internet.
14.00 h.: Closing ceremony.
Francesc Pedro is Professor, Department of Political Science at the University Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) and since 2005 Senior Policy Analyst, Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) of the OECD in Paris.
The main projects he has worked are the review of educational research systems of OECD countries, the analysis of the effects of technology on young people, at cognitive, attitudinal and in relation to school performance and Finally, the study of systemic innovation processes in education systems.
Mar Monsoriu a degree in Information Science, has studied superior engineering and PhD in Management from the Polytechnic University of Valencia.
Specializing in Internet marketing consulting.
Also part of the team that has promoted the use of Internet and ICT in the Generalitat Valenciana.
Author, among other works, the Internet guide in the Family, parenting techniques hackers, and Handbook of Social Networks on the internet.
Spanish is one of the most investigated in the field of child protection on the Internet.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura