The Report of Proceedings of the Local Police in Molina de Segura in the year 2009 was presented at a press conference today, Tuesday, April 20, by the Mayor of the town, Eduardo Contreras Linares, Councillor for Citizen Security, Fortunato Arias City and the Deputy Chief of Local Police, José Pérez Almagro.
In late 2009, the staff of Local Police has 135 officers, 119 troops, plus 2 vacant sergeant, 3 out vacancies, 10 vacancies agent and leave vacant.
The staff consists of: 1 Sub-Inspector, 1 Officer, 6 sergeants, 15 corporals, and 112 agents.
The average age of the agents, now 36, indicates that this is a young team, but expeciencia.
During the past year, highlights the start of construction of new headquarters located in The Alcayna, whose foundation stone was laid on 21 May.
The new headquarters will cover residential areas and the field of Molina de Segura, with a population approaching 15,000.
Among the significant data of this report is the increase of population during 2009 to 1,377 inhabitants, so that the total number amounted to 66,026 inhabitants at the end of the year.
For its part, the fleet declined by 96 cars, leaving the total at 42,763 (up by 300 the number of cars, but decreased significantly the number of tractors and trailers).
The most significant of Memory Performances are as follows:
- Traffic accidents recorded in the whole municipality, in which the local police intervened: 912, representing a 6% lower than 2008.
- Freezing of 298 vehicles for driving without documents, without compulsory insurance, involved in road traffic or driving under the influence and alcohol.
- They have arrested 371 people (258 in 2008): 204 people on suspicion of crimes in different areas (robbery with intimidation and violence, crimes of violence, crimes against public health, etc.), And 167 people for crimes against road safety.
- In aid of people, has worked in 451 cases, with patients, visitors, ambulances, people trapped, etc..
(Compared to 362 cases in 2008).
Responsible for the regulation of vehicular traffic and pedestrian routes ensuring safe school steps, making the cuts, detours and signage in all cases prior requirements (works, public transport, etc. ..) and collaborating with the Unit Attestations in traffic accidents.
He has also conducted several joint campaigns with the Provincial Traffic Directorate General of Traffic: control the use of seat belts, breath tests, mobile phone use while driving, special operation in summer 2009, and control of school transport and minors.
And driver education (from the Traffic Unit) have given theoretical and practical classes to 2,366 students from primary and secondary schools from 26 different public and private, Molina de Segura.
Students have been instructed by several local police officers who are instructors of Driver Education and coordinated by a sergeant.
He has made 1,173 performances, including:
- 479 traffic accident reports submitted to insurance companies.
- 101 statements, which have been referred to court for refusal to submit to a breathalyzer test, or driving under the influence of alcohol.
- 86 hearings held in police for various reasons.
Environment Unit (UMA)
Has conducted a total of 829 cases of different nature:
- 76 interventions noise nuisance.
- 10 reports on earthworks.
- 231 notifications and follow-up of abandoned vehicles.
- 70 interventions both liquid and solid discharges.
Has conducted a total of 1,324 interventions, which may include:
- 177 complaints from consumption and possession of drugs (referred to in the Act 1 / 92 Public Safety).
- 34 performances by domestic violence (25 arrests).
- 44 operations in which minors were involved.
- 153 interventions in quarrels between people.
- 188 reports of disorderly conduct.
- 15 complaints relating to the regulation of weapons.
- 332 warning alarm services.
- 7 recoveries of stolen vehicles.
And the total number of detainees held by this unit is 300, of which 76 have been for robbery and theft.
Finally, the Councillor for Citizen Security has reiterated its "gratitude to the citizens of Molina de Segura for their invaluable collaboration, essential to good police work" and acknowledged "the good work of the administrative unit, which complements the action police, and the effective daily work and the Chief Deputy Inspector of police staff that make the rest of us can have a more peaceful and secure coexistence. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura