The XL Regional Assembly of the Spanish Association Against Cancer, hosted this year by the local board of the AECC de Molina de Segura, in collaboration with the City molinense, takes place on Sunday April 18 in the auditorium of the IES Vega Tader of Molina de Segura (at Avenida Gutierrez Mellado).
The program of events has been presented at a press conference today, Thursday 15 April by the Councillor for Health of the City of Molina de Segura, Lola Vicente Quiles, and the President of the Local Board of the AECC, Juan Antonio Abellán Sánchez.
The planned activities are:
09.30 am: Arrival of assembly in the IES Vega del slaughterhouse.
11.00 am: Holy Mass, officiated at the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption.
12.00: Official Reception at the Plenary Hall of the City Council, chaired by Mayor Eduardo Contreras Linares, which was attended only by the presidents of local boards and members of the Regional Executive Council of the AECC, led by its chairman, Agustin Navarrete Montoya .
12.00: Aperitif for all Assembly members, offered by the Restaurant El Porton de la Condesa, the IES Vega del Tader, starring Rociero Choir Cruz de Mayo de la Casa de Andalucia in Molina de Segura.
13.00: XL Regional Assembly to be held in the auditorium of the IES Vega del slaughterhouse.
They called about 84 local boards throughout the Region of Murcia.
14.30: Lunch at the Restaurant El Porton de la Condesa, on Avenida Principal Urbanización La Alcayna.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura