The parade will take place at 17.30 am, from the Tomb Street
After a postponement due to rain on Sunday 21 March, the City Council of Guilds Pasionarias Superior de Molina de Segura organized laProcesión of Children, composed of only children, on Saturday 27 March, from 17.30 hours, from Sepulchre Street.
March a total of 300 children from the guilds of the Resurrection and the Holy Burial.
Four images make up the procession: Child of Passion (Barnabas molinense sculptor Gil); Nazarene Children (Ramon Cuenca), Cristo de la Encarnación (author anonymous), and First Lady of Pain (School Salzillo, nineteenth century).
The procession also changes the way: part from the Tomb Street and continues along Calle Mayor, Plaza de la Region of Murcia, Street Culture, Plaza de la Constitución, Plaza Eduardo Linares Lumer, Inmaculada Plaza and back to St. Sepulchre.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura