It would apply to cooperatives whose members have access to first home
IU spokesman + LV in Molina de Segura, Chema Moreno, will present an initiative to the next plenary session for the council to support the construction of housing cooperative scheme through the 50 percent tax on Construction, Installations and Works (ICIO).
For Moreno, "In times of crisis housing cooperatives can be an effective way to access to housing as it is one of the most economic and best able to adapt to the needs and ability to pay partners cooperative. "
He noted that "the government should allow any citizen to have access to housing through the implementation of active policies" and said that providing assistance to cooperatives of this type can serve to promote and facilitate access to the first house.
It has also denounced the "stagnation" to the Department of Housing, which has only encouraged the construction of 150 subsidized housing units in the absence of the end of the second class, although the total number of people aged 20 to 35 years city amounts to more than 17,000.
Source: IU+LV Molina de Segura