The cause does not appear to be other than the grave economic situation that has reached the Town Hall. |
Spokesperson for the Socialist, Antonio Gomariz, "charged the school cross has been a huge mistake, a basic sport that has more than 20 years and promotes the social, health and education."
The Municipal Socialist Group claimed in a motion to be debated in plenary on 29 March, to be restored and held the school cross in more austere conditions, but not eliminated and allow the pupils and students to participate in a motivating activity.
The PSOE defends the continuation of this activity, beneficial to all schools and hundreds of pupils and students.
In addition, require the Corporation to support those who organized this activity and a strong commitment to school sport and sport in general, that Molina has suffered several hard hits in recent months.
According to Antonio Gomariz, "is a blow to school sports and education to suspend a school cross while allowing other wasteful expenditures that benefit only a few."
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura