The Ministry of Universities, Research Enterprise and supported a total of 107 business projects of the municipality of Molina de Segura with 7,870,674 euros of aid program InfoFinanciación 2009 that manages the Institute for Regional Development (Info).
The data were presented this week by the director of Info, Juan José Beltrán, in the seminar organized by the Association of Molina de Segura, which also involved the general director of the Regional Employment Service and Training, Ginés Martínez, and Mayor Molina de Segura, Eduardo Contreras.
The highest percentage of applications approved corresponds to the lines of innovation, with 63 applications and a grant of 6,610,420 Euros, and credit lines, with 23 approved initiatives and aid worth 918,810 euros.
Furthermore, this financial support contributed to the creation of 196 new jobs and the maintenance of 4,138 jobs.
It also exposed the businessmen and entrepreneurs of Molina de Segura InfoFinanciación new lines of 2010 to improve the competitiveness of the production and generate quality jobs and sustainable, within the Ministry's policy to facilitate SMEs access to aid Community.
To achieve these objectives, the main news programs have support for strategic business investment projects, the promotion of business cooperation projects and the creation of new businesses through the new aid program 'Emprendemos Murcia Region. "
In particular, the Ministry of Universities, Business and Research this year has a budget of EUR 1.5 million lines of support for entrepreneurs to promote the creation of new businesses or new lines of business of an enterprise and job creation and / or self-employment.
Also encourage the private participation in the capital for innovative enterprises that require for their projects funded through the network of private investors Murcia.
This network is maintained by the European Centre for Business Innovation Murcia (Ceeim) and its goal is that private investors bet on innovative projects and provide assistance to entrepreneurs.
Source: CARM