The National Technology Center Food and Canning (CTC), located in Molina de Segura (Murcia), will host tomorrow at 10:00 am the presentation of the results of a research project carried out by seven technology centers throughout Spain united in a strategic alliance, whose objective is the development of smart containers "able to interact with the food by adding natural ingredients that will prolong its life, without diminishing any of its properties.
Specifically, the project is to manufacture biocomposites "active" antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, based on agro-products, such as residues of onion, tomato skin or wine products, which have demonstrated high efficiency on food, giving them all necessary to preserve even after opening the container and prior to consumption, thus revolutionizing the usual processes employed.
The main applications derived from this project involving the CTC along with six other technology centers from Valencia, Basque Country, Galicia, Navarra and Extremadura, and plastic are "active" packaging certain foods such as fruits or meat products, where heat treatment can not be used, as well as the typical sliced food separators, but in this case "active" since the direct contact with them will extend their shelf life.
The CTC, which belongs to the Network of Technological Centres in the Region of Murcia, which drives the Ministry of Universities, Business and Research, through the Instituto de Fomento (INFO), is positioned well in the forefront of applied research in the world food, participating in a project of great scientific and technological depth with the grant of Ministry of Science and Innovation and will soon revolutionize the market.
Source: Red de Centros Tecnológicos