IU spokesman + LV in Molina de Segura, Chema Moreno, today proposed to promote specific modifications necessary in the General Urban Plan (Plan) with the aim of providing greater protection of wetlands and Zone Campotéjar Special Protection Areas (SPA) of the Sierra de la Pila.
Moreno has held that it is sufficient to strictly protect these areas, so that in its opinion, the council should increase the scope of protected land around these places, because the species that inhabit these areas are not limiting their activities to these areas protected.
The coalition spokesman has said that the obligation to protect places of environmental interest of all governments is therefore "the protection of these sites should not just appear in a series of catalogs, and use all the tools that council has at its disposal, and one of them is planning. "
For Moreno, the current General Plan is inconsistent to talk about environmental protection.
"The PP adopted a General Plan in place to promote sustainable urban planning, responsible and respectful of the environment is a clear decrease of protected land and a blank check for the speculators."
Source: IU+LV Molina de Segura