The Youth Council of the City of Molina de Segura, through young space The Basement, has launched its range of free activities for the months of February to May 2010, aimed at young people aged between 12 and 25.
The program, designed in cooperation with youth associations in the municipality, has been presented at a press conference Thursday February 4 by the Youth Councillor, Sonia Carrillo Marble, President of the Federation of Youth Associations of the locality (FAJUM) Pascual Vicente Cano, and the Coordinator of The Basement, Dionne Cutillas Garres.
The Basement is a place open to the participation of youth and youth groups as an alternative to their free time, and is located in the Centro Integral Ceramics.
In addition to the activity rooms, the basement has a room free internet access, an information space for youth and youth associations, and is open Monday through Friday, from 16.00 to 22.00.
The scheduled activities for which registration is made in order of arrival, are:
- Tango Workshop.
Friday 26/II to 26/III (4 sessions), from 17.30 to 19.00 h.
- Latin Dance Workshop.
Friday 16/IV to 21 / V (6 sessions), from 17.30 to 19.00 h.
- Theatre Workshop.
Friday 16/IV to 21 / V (6 sessions), from 17.30 to 19.00 h.
- Workshop on makeup.
Friday 9 and 16 April (2 sessions), from 19.00 to 20.30 h.
- Specific activities:
3 rd Break Dance Battle The Basement.
12/II Friday, from 17.30 to 20.30 h.
Collaborate Pure State Assoc.
Bolliwood choreography.
9/IV Friday, from 17.30 to 19.00 h.
Assoc collaborates bailao I removed it.
Second Latin Dance Contest The Basement.
Friday 28 / V, from 17.30 to 20.00 h.
Assoc collaborates bailao I removed it.
4/VI Friday, at 19.00 h.
Shoots a short series b in an afternoon.
5/III Friday, from 17.00 to 20.30 h.
Assoc collaborates Series Z.
- Wednesday Young cinema in your area.
Choose the movies you want to see.
18.30 h.
- Workshop DJs.
Introduction to the mix.
(Thursday 4/III to 25/-III. 4 sessions of 1.5 hours).
- Workshop on electronic music production.
Create your bases and music of many styles hip hop, rap, electronica, house.
(Thursday 15/IV to 20 / V. 6 sessions of 1.5 hours).
-Specific activities:
Battle of roosters.
Come and raps.
26/II Friday, from 19.00 to 20.30 h.
Assoc collaborates Z Series
Beatbox Showcase.
26/III Friday, from 19.00 to 20.30 h.
Collaborate / ctacto
Acoustic concert.
16/IV Friday, at 19.30 h.
- Workshop on illustration and comic.
Tuesday 2/III to 23/III, from 17.30 to 19.00 h.
- Creative painting workshop.
Wednesday 14/IV to 26 / V, from 17.30 to 19.00 h.
- Workshop Warhammer miniatures painting.
Tuesday 9 and 16/III, from 17.30 to 19.00 h.
- Workshop on designing and building veneer.
Tuesday, 20 and 27 April from 17.30 to 19.00 h.
- Flash animation workshop.
Wednesday 14/IV to 19 / V, from 17.30 to 19.00 h.
-Specific activities:
Carnival masks.
12/II Friday, from 18.00 to 19.30 h.
Neighborhood Youth Assoc works of Fatima.
12/III Friday, from 17.30 to 19.00 h.
Molina works Youth Assoc.
Handbags / shoulder.
26/III Friday, at 17.30.
Molina works Youth Assoc.
- Network games.
Friday from 17.30 to 20.00 h.
- Free Classroom WALA Internet access.
Monday, from 17.00 to 19.00 pm, and Thursday from 16.00 to 19.00 h.
- Zone Console: Wii and PlayStation video games.
- Recreational Area.
All kinds of games, from traditional and dominated Risk others, like magic, and warhammer.
For those who do not know, teach him to play every Friday.
Blood Bowl Championship.
9/IV Friday, from 17.00 to 20.30 h.
Role Assoc collaborates Molina de Segura ARMS.
Initiation of Heroclix.
19/II Friday, from 18.00 to 20.00 h.
Role Assoc collaborates Molina de Segura ARMS.
Introduction to the Role.
Friday 7 / V, from 17.30 to 20.30 h.
Role Assoc collaborates Molina de Segura ARMS.
Championship of Magic.
Friday 21 / V, from 17.30 to 20.30 h.
Role Assoc collaborates Molina de Segura ARMS.
Introduction to games geeks.
Area 51 works Assoc.
Table Tennis Tournament in the dark.
26/II Friday, from 17.00 to 20.30 h.
Infinite Murcia works Assoc.
Texas Holdem Poker Championship.
26/III Friday, from 17.00 to 20.30 h.
Infinite Murcia works Assoc.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura