The Department of Effective Equality of Women and Men of the City of Molina de Segura, in the development of the Fourth Plan for Equal Opportunities and in the educational program in egalitarian values, has organized a series of talks aimed at learners of 1 and 2 º ESO IES the municipality.
The talks addressed the issue of sexist stereotypes and violence, and are taught by the psychologist in the Department of Education and Outreach CEPEP, María Dolores García Ruiz.
Currently being offered at the IES Vega del Tader and, through them, is intended to highlight the importance of values education.
"To educate in the culture of equality must take account of human rights, social justice, social responsibility, etc.., To ensure the dignity, equality and respect for all", explains Councillor for Equality Effective, Lola Vicente Quiles.
According to the councilor added, "the city of Molina de Segura commitment to such programs in order to achieve unity among all mechanisms and equality and, above all, as a means to enhance awareness and critical skills in the primary socialization agents , as is the case of adolescents, stressing the importance of personal and social relations free of prejudices and stereotypes, based on equality, mutual respect and harmony. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura