Will include treatment rooms, but also of meeting and ballroom gym
50 percent of the budget is provided by the Government of Spain under the Plan Unit E
The government delegate in Murcia, Rafael González Tovar, and the Mayor of Molina de Segura, Eduardo Contreras, this morning visited the site of the new Day Centre for the Promotion of personal autonomy of older people in the hamlet of La Molineta, which will provide 140 places for assistance, which will generate 28 jobs.
Specifically, the Government of Spain invests 400,000 euros, exceeding the 50 percent of the cost of the new Day Care Center, the Fund of 11.6 million euros that the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy spent the last year Region of Murcia.
With this amount from the Fund for the Encouragement of the Economy and Employment (Plan E), eight are being financed infrastructure needed for dependents, such as Day Centres and Homes for elderly or disabled.
The building will be located on a plot of 1,591 square meters and will have one floor of 877 m², although it has provided a ladder and a lift for use in the future given to housing use.
It will have both classroom and treatment rooms as well as spaces for communication and visits, including patios and terraces, cafeteria, reading room, ballroom and fitness room, meeting room, etc. ..
All this, with the aim of which is a space suitable for functional programs, but also for the enjoyment of leisure users.
Tovar Gonzalez stressed that the Law Unit is part of the policies of Zapatero's government to secure and strengthen the welfare state in Spain, implementing effective social policies to help people who have more difficulties.
EUR 11.6 million E Plan for dependents
The Government delegate, pointed out that the Ministry of Education and Social Policy (now Health and Social Policy), signed on 11 March with the Autonomous Community of Murcia an agreement by the Government of Spain goes to the autonomous region 11,630,800 euros for development projects providing care for dependents under the special fund dependence Stimulus Plan for Economy and Employment (Plan E).
Through this special fund, financed Murcia this year investments in new facilities, services and places for the care of dependent people and modernizing and adapting existing facilities and services.
These investments will result in the creation or adaptation of 1,135 places for people dependent on residences, day or night, in services to promote personal autonomy and private accommodation.
The implementation of these projects, which have been chosen by the regional government, will create nearly 600 jobs in the Region of Murcia, a community in which there are currently 17,000 people who have been recognized entitled to benefits under Dependency.
Also conducted concerts of new services for dependent care and programs to improve the infrastructure of home help services and transportation services.
In addition, the Region of Murcia funded 65 programs for training professionals and caregivers who will have 780 seats.
González Tovar also made clear that these 11.6 million euros in addition to the funding of Murcia citizens receive from the Government of Spain for the development of Law Unit.
This special fund of E Plan, 400 million euros, adding to the overall financing of the Law Unit.
Thus in 2009, the Government of Spain will dedicate more of 1,558 million unit, 79% more than last year.
Source: Delegación del Gobierno en Murcia