The VII Regional Trade Show and Craft Molina de Segura, organized by the Department of Commerce, Handicrafts and Tourism of the City molinense, and the Ministry of Universities, Business and Research in the Region of Murcia, through the Directorate General for Trade and Craft, will take place on 18, 19 and 20 December, on the Paseo Rosales.
His presentation at a press conference held today Tuesday, December 15, by the Mayor of Molina de Segura, Eduardo Contreras Linares, the Director General of Trade and Handicrafts of the Region of Murcia, Julio José Lorenzo Egurce, and Councilmember Commerce, Handicrafts and Tourism, Sonia Carrillo Marble.
In the sample involved a total of 25 artisans from throughout the Region of Murcia, and is intended to promote craft products in our area.
The stands can be visited from 11.00 to 14.00, and 17.00 to 21.00.
It will also include a representation of the Craft Market Souk Guadalabiad with handmade soaps and crafts show with looms.
Participants in the Trade and Craft Show are: Rosa Ruiz (pottery / ceramics), Ascension Martinez (painter / artist), Petronila Contreras (painter / artist), Sergio Ros (toy), Jesus Alfocea (confectioner), José Antonio Tornero (the pork / pork butcher), Juan Antonio García Grajalva (tailor costumes), Eme / Eme marquetry and Decorating (artist / designer), Martin Lario (potter / ceramicist), Caprilac (cheese), Angel Luis Miñano (beekeeper), Mónica Pérez (Bethlehem), Francisco José Hernández (confectioner), Arcadio Hernández (producer of paper and cardboard), Isabel Diaz (silversmith), Association de Molina Lacemakers (lace), Ambrosio Alvarez (pastry), Dolores García (confectionery), Once Arrobas ( the pork / pork butcher), Tedis (makers of natural cosmetics), Juan Antonio Ortiz (potter / ceramicist), Consuelo Hernández (lace), Isabel Alcantud (jewelery), Diego Cava (restorer of furniture) and Pascual Martínez Santos (locksmith art).
New this year, the venue moved to Paseo Rosales.
- 11.00 pm: Opening of exhibition and sale of handicrafts.
Start of activities at the fair.
- 11.30 h:.
Official opening.
Attended by the Mayor of the town, Eduardo Contreras Linares, eel Director General of Trade and Handicrafts of the Region of Murcia, Julio José Lorenzo Egurce, and Councillor of Commerce, Handicrafts and Tourism, Sonia Carrillo Marble.
- 11.00 pm: Opening of exhibition and sale of handicrafts.
Start of activities at the fair.
- 17.00 pm: Craft Show at Spinning Wheel Spinning.
Weaving process.
Silk by the artisans Concha de la Rubia.
- 11.00 pm: Opening of exhibition and sale of handicrafts.
Start of activities at the fair.
- 21.00 h.: Closing of the Exhibition.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura