The PSOE claims that in 2010 there will be more money to pay for the mistakes of the PP in the municipality of Molina, but less for home help.
Although each year the number of people needing this service, the City Council of the Autonomous Region will receive the same as in 2009, which means a proportional loss of resources: more people to attend but the same budget.
This creates a social debt to those who require this service, while mistrust and hopelessness among those who aspire to be users.
The Autonomous Community freezes approximately EUR 294,000 for home help, so as Socialist spokesman Antonio Gomariz, expected to be a priority for the council and make an effort to "pay the social debt" and keep spending Help to Address that corresponds increasingly with reality and needs of Molina de Segura.
Although the City Council budget may suffer the biggest drop in its history, the number of people in need of home help service is increasing.
He adds Antonio Gomariz, home help is a "social investment that creates jobs stable and must promote, consolidate and extend.
In 2008, the PSOE and asked to spend 1% of home help service and civic groups sued the progress toward an agreement to allocate one million euros for this service.
For 2010, remains an aspiration to achieve the minimum 1% of home help, although not a priority for the region.
Source: PSOE de Molina de Segura