Eduardo Contreras Linares, Mayor of the City Council President Molina de Segura, and the spokespersons of the local Victoria Gomez Alcazar, the Popular Party, Gomariz Antonio Pastor, the Socialist Party, and José María Moreno, de Izquierda Unida, agree to adopt, as a express the following:
The City of Molina de Segura, sensitive and concerned about the circumstances affecting the Saharawi human rights activist Aminatou Haidar, currently on hunger strike, his own life being threatened, being held at the airport in Lanzarote, in the unjustified and condemnable attitude of the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco, who illegally took away his passport, creating a situation of legal limbo, says:
1-Your solidarity and support Aminetou Haidar and the Saharawi people, who in his defense of human rights, the right to a free and condemnation of repression by Morocco to the Saharawi population in the occupied territories, exercising their legitimate right of public denunciation, freedom of expression and right to the free movement of persons.
2-Sue the Government of Spain urgent initiatives and measures, which mean a radical change in the position of the Government of Morocco, admitting Haidar Aminetou entry into the territory where his family and fellow citizens.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura