The new infrastructure will be operational in 2010 and will cover residential areas and the countryside of Molina de Segura
The Local Government of the City of Molina de Segura, at its meeting on Tuesday 13 October, has agreed to provisional award of the construction of the second phase of the new headquarters of the Local Police in La Molina de Segura Alcayna to UICESA PLOD Company, SA, amounting to 400,000 euros, as reported by the Speaker of the Local Government Board, Worship Molina López.
The City of Molina de Segura finance 50% of total investment, while the remaining € 200,000 will be funded by the Ministry of Public Administration Chair and the Region of Murcia, through a grant.
Last May, work began on construction of the first phase of the barracks, which will cover mainly residential areas of the county (Altorreal, La Alcayna, Rabbits, Los Olivos, El Chorrico, etc.) And field Molina de Segura, where the population increase in recent years is very significant and has now reached a figure of over 10,000 inhabitants.
To perform this action, which will be operational by 2010, the Autonomous Community funding the work with another 700,000 euros, while the municipality provides the remaining $ 300,000 of the overall budget of the project's first phase.
The building will have a total area of 1,432 square meters on three floors.
The basement will have parking and shooting gallery, and on the ground floor will be located on police premises (changing rooms, offices, etc.), Plus an office of the Citizens Advice Service (SAC) of the City of Molina de Segura, to improve the service currently provided to citizens of the area with mobile units SAC.
In the second phase is now awarded will enable the second floor of the building for other municipal uses such as offices, meeting rooms for social groups, etc.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura