The first proposal comes from the hand of artists Senmaru & Yuki (Japan), EDO-Daikagura present at 18.30 and 19.30 hours on Runway Park Company, with free access.
Senmaru and Yuki are artists of Edo-Daikagura.
At first, the purpose of Daikagura was to be used by people as a talisman to ward off the devil the benefit of the gods in the sanctuaries.
Thus, in its origins were very serious and sacred rites.
Currently there are an entertainment for all audiences.
Wear a kimono and traditional Japanese juggling, using elements common in Japanese culture as teapots, umbrellas, samurai swords, etc.
The second proposal for the same day is Emotikon, by Ados Teatroa (Basque Country), from 19.00 to 22.00 pm in the Park of the Company.
Will passes of 22 people every 25 minutes (children aged between 6 and 11 years must be necessarily accompanied by an adult.)
Entry fee: 1 euro (presale at Festival Booth in Paseo Rosales, and that same day, in the place of representation).
The audience, always guided by the actors, will enter a dark tunnel from which you leave for a world without light.
A fun adventure where anything is possible.
No one will know what is going to be, what surprises await them at every turn in the road, what's going to play or step.
A dream world where the only certainty is guaranteed to discover new sensations.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura