Union, Progress and Democracy in Molina de Segura, publicly denounced the sorry state they are bus stops on highways that link the neighborhoods of the city molinense. It is not uncommon to find waiting for the bus passengers while enduring the heat, the sun, cold, wind and rain outdoors.
These bus stops, which abound in the neighborhoods of our town, do not have the minimum infrastructure to make the bus wait a procedure as painless as possible.
Those observed in rabbits, in Los Olivos, on the road that connects La Alcayna with Altorreal.
Except for a few stops are fitted on the main streets of La Alcayna (with a supermarket) and Altorreal, this is the landscape that we often find ourselves in the residential areas of Molina de Segura.
We have seen women, some accompanied by children, using a makeshift stone bench, or simply sitting on a mound.
Some of these stops, especially those found near Altorreal, are quite dirty (garbage of all kinds: cigarette butts, soda cans, glass ...) It's certainly not the best scenario to expect "sit" or not, arrival of a coach (mainly 49 and 54 lines of Latbus) which usually happens in one hour intervals.
From UPyD Molina urge the City Council and particularly its government team to rush in as soon as possible the necessary works to allow travelers to perform this public service waiting in acceptable conditions of comfort and safety.
Source: UPyD de Molina de Segura