The reception was held on Monday September 7, in the Plenary Hall of municipal
The official reception by the Mayor of Molina de Segura, Eduardo Contreras Linares, a group of teachers from schools in Turkey, Germany, Luxembourg and the Public School Cervantes de Molina de Segura has taken place today, Monday September 7, in the Plenary Hall Hall.
The event was also attended by the Councillor for Education, Mariola Martinez Robles, and the Director of CP Cervantes, Inmaculada Ortiz.
Molinense center participates in the European Comenius project, together with Ziya Gökalp Illkogretim Okulum centers of Ekisehir (Turkey), Grudschule Puttngen / Kö, Saarland (Germany) and Primarschoul Deich / Diddeleng, Luxembourg.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura