The spokesman for the municipal group of IU + LV in the city of Molina de Segura, Chema Moreno, expressed his concern over the increase in unemployment in August and accused the government team of "inefficiency and incompetence" to tackle the problem.
And this past August, the number of unemployed in the town grew from the July 5033 to August 5265, representing an increase of 4.5 percent from the previous month, more than double the state average.
Moreno said that the government team "is being overwhelmed by a situation that does not know how to fix, while the neighbors are paying the lack of initiative of the PP, which is limited to see how time passes rather than trying to find a solution .
It has also stressed the ten measures that training launched a few months "that have hardly been taken into account," and specifically mentioned the creation of an industrial and social plan for employment focused on renewable energy.
Finally, the PP has been accused of not having taken advantage of funding for Plan E to generate employment and reduce the number of unemployed in the municipality.
Source: IU+LV Molina de Segura