Almost a hundred children gathered both in the Sawmills and in the Goya to reunite with teammates from last season and new from it.
Earlier, the Junior "B", which this season coach Jose Damian Jimenez, began their training session working mainly on technical aspects of individual, specifically on ball handling situations and by boat to finish part of the physical tests and anthropometric, leaving technical tests on Friday that this season is going to make all team players CLUB base.
Loli also Cadet Meseguer and his team started to get going and, after appropriate presentations, began taking records of anthropometry and the physical top players at this point in the preseason.
A second hour would turn the most toddlers.
Emilio Antonio Miguel Beteta Bujeque and made a joint group to get players to fry.
After measure and weigh, among other records, the players went to the track where they were making contact with the floor of the Sawmills and subsequently heating to make the physical test.
In this second round, as Diego Rodriguez with his Child "B" as Javier Aguilar with the Junior "A", trained with their equipment, although they had begun days before work with their pupils.
In the case of Junior, with some losses that will be resolved as soon as exams are finished in September.
In the Pavilion Francisco de Goya went to Pedro Antonio citing their children's Child "A" taking place first contact with new players, some of them, but most well-known to the young and technical worker.
In this way there is by lifting the curtain that leads into a new season with new faces among the players in which predict changes in the way of working with the youngest of the club, where the main objective is to enjoy the sport of basket and do because the training of players is as efficient as possible.
For those players that have not been able to incorporate alos still training, then you can find the dates and times for coaching your team.
Mood and enjoy basketball.
JUNIOR "A": Sunday (at 18:30), Wednesday (at 18:00) and Friday (at 18:00) - Hall Sawmills
JUNIOR "B": Friday (at 16:30), Wednesday (at 16:30) and Friday (at 18:00) - Hall Sawmills
CADET: Monday (at 16:30), Wednesday (at 16:30) and Friday (at 16:30) - Hall Sawmills
INFANTIL "A": Sunday (at 18:00), Wednesday (at 18:00) and Friday (at 18:00) - Francisco de Goya Pavilion
INFANTIL "B": Friday (at 18:00), Wednesday (at 18:00) and Friday (at 16:30) - Hall Sawmills
ALEVIN "A": Sunday (at 18:00), Wednesday (at 18:00) and Friday (at 18:00) - Hall Sawmills
ALEVIN "B": Friday (at 18:00), Wednesday (at 18:00) and Friday (at 18:00) - Francisco de Goya Pavilion
Source: AD Molina