The Feast of the Los Conejos de Molina de Segura take place until Sunday 19 July.
The events planned are:
Thursday, July 16
20.30, procession with the image of the Virgen del Carmen, patron saint of urbanization.
- 21.00, summer terrace.
Friday July 17
24.00 pm, fireworks.
24.00, summer terrace and music.
Saturday, July 18
From 11.00 to 12.30, ping pong tournaments, Wii and tops.
13.00, child snack.
19.30, party with inflatable mattresses and a small train.
19.30, charity market for Pupa Clown.
21.30, judo and hapkido display.
22.00 hours, local dinner and crumbs and paella contest teams.
23.30, summer terrace.
Sunday, July 19
10.30, II bike festival.
Then country lunch.
13.00, Sunday snack.
22.30 pm, fireworks finale.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura