The Feast of the urbanization of Molina de Segura Alcayna take place until Sunday 12 July.
The events planned are:
Wednesday, July 8
17.00 to 20.00, inflatable children's activity workshops and entertainment.
- 22.00 pm Sunday performances of the Wizard and Lolita Torres and their dolls.
Thursday, July 9
22.30 pm, Rock Star Night Young Managers, acting TechConnect Rhythm and Lemon Group 2.
Friday July 10
23.30 hours, great festival with music by the Royal Orchestra & Music.
Saturday, July 11
12.00, water party child.
23.30 hours, great festival with music by the New Orchestra Casablanca.
Sunday July 12
12.00, orchard in the parish church of La Alcayna
14.00, great grilled food.
18.00, paintball big tent for all ages.
22.00, mobile disk.
24.00 pm, fireworks finale.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura