The balance of it, Antonio Gomariz Spokesman Socialist City, notes that the best mayor de Molina is still the Prime Minister of Spain
Note from PSOE:
In the past 5 years, the contribution expected of the Government of Spain has been of € 54,230,000 compared to 41,616,000 in the Autonomous Community, which has jurisdiction over health, education, employment and social services.
The Government of Spain is increasing every year almost 15% average contribution.
The data says it all, 30.3% more than € 12,614,000 Valcárcel President, who is always asking others to do what he and his government refuse to do (minus investment).
The greatest achievement for Molina has been the extraordinary investment by the Government of Spain, with more than 10 million euros through 2009 that are coming to the City box.
The greatest satisfaction is the response of citizens to tax increases "the contribution, on Economic Activities, the Building Permit or receipt of waste."
A brave and responsible citizen response to serious problems such as the harms of Urban General Plan (which is taking its toll), the problems of urbanization as Rabbits I, The Chorrico, Rabbits II, Los Olivos and La Alcayna, such as deforestation in the Balearic street, lack of public schools or the abandonment of the Plaza de Europa.
The best hope is that we are building a participatory and consensual alternative based on education, innovation, sustainable development and social services.
Alternatively you can already "play" with initiatives such as the extraordinary investment by the Government of Spain, the employment agreements, the new public school for the neighborhood center or the widening of the road Molina-Fortuna, proposed and promoted by the PSOE de Molina.
And you'll notice from other agreements necessary investments in technology, new day care centers, most medical specialties, more money for domestic help, dependents, disability and housing plan.
The most negative and disturbing is that the City is not fulfilling its obligations and is failing to molinense:
Unemployment has been crazy around 3,000 people, almost 140% more, and had to be the PSOE to the passivity of the PP that poses an extraordinary plenary session with more than 20 measures to boost employment.
The City Council has wasted in "good times" and not saved for "hard times" has not been proactive and has squandered much of the municipal assets, selling off and putting it in the service of a few.
The result is that in less than a year has had to borrow 24 million euros in loans and credit facilities, a 119% increase.
In crisis, who rule the City Council are wasting public money from taxes, hiring consultants for hundreds of thousands of dollars in recent years paid almost 700,000 euros for a statue donated by a company linked to Sercom.
This is not the best form of government, punishing those citizens with higher taxes, "passing" of their problems and serious irregularities such as consenting Rabbit II, the partial destruction of a protected mountain, Sierra de la Espada, clearing thousands meters in the Chorrico, municipal buildings on green ground, etc..
This form of government is not characteristic of a municipality responsible and only produces distrust between people of Molina in the way of doing things, which raises suspicions and irregularities continued.
Most disheartening is to see how the City Council no longer has any illusions or "gas" to solve the problems of citizens and how the party "boss" at City Hall has been radicalized against the Government of Spain, and employs far more time and energies on attacking the government of the Spanish than in solving the problems of Molina.
Socialist Spokesman asked the City Council to hear proposals from the opposition and feels a consensus with the neighbors and the opposition parties a solution to the serious problems that Molina and are becoming more serious because the City failed to perform and is failing in the essential, basic needs of education, social welfare, employment and sustainable growth for all.
Source: Grupo Socialista, Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura