The Youth Council of the City of Molina de Segura has organized the Children's Summer Camp Program 2009, aimed at children aged 7 to 13 years.
The program offers two camps, one in Nerpio (Albacete) and another Calnegre tips (Lorca), with environmental education activities, water (beach), sports and entertainment.
The total number of seats is 130 (80 and 50 Nerpio Calnegre tips) and the price they will pay the participants is 165 euros, which includes meals, lodging, activities and transportation.
The day of each camp are:
Nerpio Mountain Camp.
Nogueras: 15 to 21 July.
Beach Camp Calnegre Tips: 24 to 30 July.
The registration deadline is May 27 to June 15 and should be formalized within the Department of Youth, Calle Mayor, n º 81 (Building The Catch, 1st floor).
The requirements to qualify for one of the places are having the required age (born between 1996 and 2002) and be registered in Molina de Segura (as of July 1, the squares will be occupied by participants from outside the municipality) .
Places are awarded by lottery, to be held on 17 June at 12.00 pm in the Centro Integral Ceramics.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura