The Second Festival of Youth Participation in Molina de Segura Liat!, Organized by the Federation of Youth Associations Molina de Segura (FAJUM) in collaboration with the Youth Council molinense City Council and the Institute of Youth in the Region of Murcia, will place on Friday 24 April at 19.00 at the entrance to the Park of the Company (from Paseo Rosales).
The activity has been presented at a press conference today, Tuesday 21 April, Youth Councillor, Sonia Carrillo Marble FAJUM President, Vicente Pascual Cano, and a member of the Neighborhood Youth Association and FAJUM Fatima, Rocío Martínez Ondoño.
The main objective of the festival is to inform young people about the different forms of participation and the channels that can continue without closing the way for new initiatives.
It also raises aim to inform society of the youth association movement in Molina de Segura.
To this end, an information fair organized by leisure activities carried out by youth associations.
Explains the President of FAJUM, Pascual Cano, "Liat! Is a party that is invited all young people in Molina de Segura, and anyone who feels young, and whose main objective the promotion of active participation .
Faced with the existing culture of passivity that we often tend to let others be the ones to organize, decide, complain, etc., The Federation of Youth Associations Molina de Segura is necessary to promote a culture of participation in that as more people get involved in everything that is beyond the private, from making decisions that improve where we live, the organization's own free time in an association or anything else as a community we can do together .
We invite everyone to come and become involved, because it means not missing: the associations, volunteering, the newly released Status of Citizen Participation, consumer protection, student representation, the neighborhood movement and so on. "
The party consists, first, of a sample of activities organized by youth associations of Molina de Segura and, secondly, a concert finale.
Activities include craft workshops, exhibition of break dance and graffiti, incitement to Latin dance workshop sheets, table games, video games, mini sensory park, etc.
Begin at 19.00 and finish before 22.00.
At this time, will take over the concert finale, which will feature Top Manta Experimental Orchestra, recent winner of the contest Mola Youth Music, and Siesta molinense also Ethyl.
The concert will be held on a stage erected in the sports area at the entrance to the Park of the Company.
In Liat! Involved the following youth organizations in Molina de Segura: Area 51 Youth Association, Association Role ARMS Molina, 330x Filmmakers Association, Youth Cultural Association Molina, Estado Puro (Break Dance Association), Physics Students Molina de Segura, Murcia Infinite Association, Association bailao I removed it, Communist Youth of Molina de Segura, YS Molina de Segura and New Generations of the Partido Popular de Molina de Segura.
They also assist the NGO Entreculturas Intercultural Youth Group of the Youth Council, Federation of Students FEREMUR and the youth group of the School of Citizenship.
All under the coordination of FAJUM, which is the federation which groups various youth organizations in Molina de Segura with the aim of supporting each other and work together for the interests of local youth and their groups.
The last hour of Liat! And promotional video can be found on the Internet at the address / LIAT .
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura