The Brotherhood of the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem parade the first Easter molinense, and will on Palm Sunday, April 5, at 1830 hours, leaving from the Church of San Vicente Martyr.
Participate in the procession images: Triumphal Entry of Mariano Spiteri, San Juan, the sculptor Gil molinense Barnabas, and Our Lady of Hope, by the sculptor José Hernández Navarro Murcia.
The Brotherhood of the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem is located in the Church of San Vicente Martyr of Molina de Segura.
All members wear robes and white gloves, cape, sash and green cone, and black shoes.
The procession made the usual route, leaving from the Plaza de San Vicente Martir.
Then run along Street Sawmills, Avenida de Madrid, Calle Mayor, Plaza Region of Murcia, Paseo Rosales, Station Street, Calle Mayor, Calle Avenida de Madrid and Sawmills, ending again at the Plaza de San Vicente Martir.
Today, Friday, April 3, at 22.00 hours, coinciding with the celebration of Good Friday, will be the Penitential Procession with the image of Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno.
The Via Crucis procession will depart from the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption, and through the streets of Old Town.
After the procession, at 23.00, the Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Sorrows procession makes the transfer of the Virgin of Sorrows from the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption to the Ermita de San Roque.
Tomorrow, Saturday April 4, from 18:30, from the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption, and following its postponement due to rain on Sunday March 29th, we celebrate the Children's Procession, integrated only children, and organized by the City Council of Guilds Pasionarias Superior de Molina de Segura.
March a total of 300 children from the guilds of the Resurrection and the Holy Burial.
Four images make up the procession: Child of Passion (Barnabas molinense sculptor Gil); Nazarene Children (Ramon Cuenca), Cristo de la Encarnación (author anonymous), and First Lady of Pain (School Salzillo, nineteenth century).
The procession from the Plaza of the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption and continues along Calle Ramón y Cajal, Constitution Square, Street Culture, Mayor and Santa Teresa, Paseo Rosales, Plaza of the region of Murcia, Street Culture Pensioner and return to Church Square.
Tomorrow, Saturday April 4, at 20.00 pm in the Chapel of San Roque de Molina de Segura, we celebrate the act of imposition of badges and appointments of the Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Sorrows.
Tomorrow, Saturday April 4, at 20.30 pm in the Church of Our Lady of Remedios in the hamlet of La Torrealta de Molina, will be reading the Proclamation of the Cross, by the City Council of the City of Molina de Segura Cayetano Ros Dolera.
Tomorrow, Saturday April 4, at 20.30 pm in the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption of Molina de Segura, is hosting a Sacred Concert by the Polyphonic Choir Hims Mola.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura