The educational project of European dimension Together in Europe, coordinated by the researcher molinense University of Murcia Encarna Hernández Rodríguez, will be implemented from 20 April to 4 May with students from 1st year of Secondary Education in the IES Eduardo Linares Lumera Molina de Segura.
The initiative was presented at a press conference Wednesday April 1 by the Councillor for Education, Mariola Martinez Robles, Project Coordinator, Encarna Rodríguez Hernández, and the Head of Studies IES Lumera Eduardo Linares, Luis Vicente.
Encarna Rodríguez Hernández is an expert in European affairs, and the design, implementation and evaluation of the project is associated with the development of his doctoral thesis, entitled Teaching and learning for active European citizenship, led by the Doctor and professor at the UMU Juan Tomás Frutos.
The initiative has the important collaboration of researchers and practitioners, such as emotional intelligence expert Henar Dove Cobarro Sánchez, a researcher at the UCAM, and Almudena Fernandez, Europe Direct.
The main objectives of the project passed to arouse interest and motivation and improve knowledge about the European Union among students and enhance the sense of European citizenship and belonging to the Union.
Is intended to provide a script to assist in the acquisition of basic skills from a European dimension, providing the end of the experience a useful resource guide for teachers towards their use in the classroom.
The contents included in the course include: the history of integration, institutional operations, member states, multicultural Europe, European citizenship, European elections, and the range of EU policies, paying particular attention to the environment and cooperation development.
The original materials used for the course will be provided by the European Information Centre of the Region of Murcia / Europe Direct, while others are homemade.
For its part, the development of the various sessions will pay particular attention to practical activities and to obtain ideas and prior knowledge in students, always with the goal of meaningful learning.
The use of ICT also occupy a central place in teaching strategies and learning.
The project has been designed from the premise of the potential added value that has a European dimension in education from the perspective extracurricular, and its implementation is outlined as an original and valuable experience for the educational community of Molina de Segura.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura