The Mayor of Molina de Segura, Eduardo Contreras Linares, announced the conclusion of an official event celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of the first democratic elections held in the Spanish municipalities, which will take place on Friday 3 April at 20.00 pm in the Plenary Hall of the City molinense.
This act has been invited to the Municipal Corporation today and the councilors and councilors who were part of the Municipal Corporation of Molina de Segura after the elections on April 3, 1979.
It has also invited all the mayors molinense of the present democratic era, the neighborhood associations, village headman of the municipality and social groups.
In the table of president is the Mayor and the spokespersons of the three municipal groups.
In addition, by mounting the first democratic mayor of the municipality, Francisco Vivas Palazón, and seats will be occupied by members of the first democratic.
The first democratic Corporation of the City of Molina de Segura was formed by 21 councilors (9 PSOE UCD 9, and 3 PCE) and its members were as follows (in relation appears councilors total spent by the Corporation to Throughout the mandate, and therefore includes the mayors who resigned and substitutes):
Mayor: Francisco Vivas Palazón
Councillors PSOE: José Hernández Garres (deceased), José Hernández Larrosa, Santacruz Martínez Martínez, Mercedes Palazón Rodríguez, Francisco Rosauro Riquelme, Emilio Vicente Martínez, José Vivas Palazón, Mateo Garcia (deceased), Teodoro Martínez Campillo (deceased), Juan Rincon Fernandez, Salvador López García (deceased), Ramón García Sánchez (deceased) and Francisco Alfonso Alarcon.
Councillors UCD: Santiago Vidal Garcia (deceased), Cayetano Ros Dolera, Vicente Rodríguez Carbonell, Inés Carrillo Josefa Jiménez, Trinidad Gil García, José Luis Morenilla López, Antonio de los Reyes García, Francisco Riquelme Oliva, Pedro Vicente Pérez, Domingo Gil Conesa and Juan Mondéjar Palazón.
Councillors PCE: Juan Manuel Alcaniz Gomez Manzano Fulgencio Hernández, Pedro Ramón López Nicolás and Francisco Vidal.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura