The Government delegate, Rafael González Tovar, visited this morning in Molina de Segura Technology Center National Food and Canning, where the president and the director, José Luis García Gómez and Dussac, we have reported on the objectives the center and the work done on it.
Among the latter, there are several research projects approved in the last four years by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade for its implementation has awarded grants totaling half a million euros.
During the visit, Gonzalez Tovar has expressed support for the work of the Centre and has been interested in new research projects that have programs, seven of them - some in collaboration with the CEBAS - will be presented this year aid from the Ministry of Industry once they are summoned.
Finally, officials of the National Technology Center Canned Food and reported to the Government on the future construction of a new headquarters, which will run for state funding support.
Source: Delegación del Gobierno en Murcia