The municipal group Izquierda Unida + Greens propose to the next full City Council Molina de Segura a motion on the relocation of the existing, but obsolete, Civil Guard barracks.
Chema Moreno, spokesman for the local IU + LV, defend a motion requesting the transfer of existing facilities to a new building where we can provide better service to the field of Molina and the surrounding municipalities.
To do this, ask the right to approve the start of negotiations with the Ministry of Interior for a possible land swap.
Moreno said: "Since the United Left Greens we care about the working conditions of the State Security Forces and also the conditions under which they are forced to live their families."
He noted, also, that the Ministry of Interior, has shown a willingness to make these agreements in other municipalities, as Langreo (Asturias) and Sabadell (Catalonia).
Source: Grupo Municipas de IU+LV de Molina de Segura