The opening ceremony and presentation of the XII Regional Seminar on the opening of schools to the community, as a requirement of the XXI century will take place on Saturday 17 January at 10.00 pm in the auditorium of the College of Early Childhood Education Paseo Rosales de Molina de Segura.
Attending the ceremony the Mayor of the town, Eduardo Contreras Linares, Minister for Education, Training and Employment, Constantine Sotoca Carrascosa, and the President of the Regional Federation of APAS Juan González, Ginés Martínez Cerón.
With these conferences, organized by the Regional Federation of APAS Juan Gonzalez, in collaboration with the city of Molina de Segura and the FAPA of Molina de Segura, it is intended that all participants (parents, teachers and people interested in education) find a space for reflection and discussion on a topic of current concern, the opening of schools.
The program of events is as follows:
10.00: Opening and presentation of the day.
11.00: Conference on Family, School and environment: the challenge of educational work on a network, by Jordi Collet, Professor of Sociology at the University of Vic Presenter and moderator: Enrique Ayuso.
12.30: Debate and inputs to the document base.
Collection of opinions and input from attendees on the base document: The opening of schools to the environment requirement Partner / Education of the XXI Century.
14.00 hours: Lunch.
16.00 pm: Panel symposium on Experiences with projects of opening centers in other autonomous communities.
Presenter and moderator: Ana Fernandez.
17.30 am: Conference on Participation and the relationship between schools / community: practical proposals by Pilar Follgueira.
Presenter and moderator: Mr. Andrés Pascual Garrido.
18.30: Closure and tentative conclusions.
Farewell ceremony.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura