IU spokesman + LV in the city of Molina de Segura has announced that the training will present an initiative to the full to be held on December 22, which will aim "to conduct a technical review of the speed bumps and speed reducers "to be on all roads in the municipality.
The reason for this request is that last September approved a new legislation in specifying the characteristics of these bumps.
The Act provides a period of 2 years for the City to catch up over the law, so the coalition spokesman sees fit "that the government team is proactive and not leave it until the last day of this matter."
Further stated that means the holding of overpasses as speed control and pedestrian safety, but these elements must meet the new regulations, so that at the same time ensuring the safety of pedestrians, not detract from the vehicles.
Another point of the initiative is that the City agreed to "translate the same study the technical report to the Ministry asking for economic assistance for adaptation to the decree in those cases it is necessary and the removal of the gearboxes to fail the standard or not needed. "
Source: IU+LV Molina de Segura