The Department of Effective Equality of Women and Men of the City of Molina de Segura, in the development of the Third Plan for Equal Opportunities within the cultural program of activities aimed at molinense population for the year 2008, has organized a film forum, with the screening of the film Chaotic Ana, Julio Medem, which will take place on Friday 12 December at 19.00 pm in the Cultural Hall of Cajamurcia (at Paseo Rosales).
The presentation will be borne by Manuel Nicolás Meseguer, MA in History and Aesthetics of Cinema from the University of Valladolid.
The synopsis of the film is:
Ana is a free spirit who turns her passion for life in the paint.
Justine, a cosmopolitan patron, invites you to complete their training in Madrid with the group of artists who protects.
It will be the beginning of a journey not only physical, that will take you to discover new continents, past lives and ancient myths.
Ana attempt to break the chain of ancestral violence looming on painting doors, and at the end of the adventure will choose if it becomes a monster or a princess.
Councillor for Effective Equality of Women and Men, Lola Vicente Quiles, said that "the purpose of this activity is to carry out preventive actions, to sensitize and promote awareness on gender violence issues."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura