Chema Moreno, Municipal spokesperson IU + LV in Molina de Segura, has announced that the regular full training will propose on Monday that the City include specifications for companies opting for public procurement have to repay at least thousand per month to their employees.
The move is part of a series of proposals that the coalition has been proposing for months "for the most disadvantaged social groups than those paying the brunt of this crisis."
According to Moreno, there are many workers who depend indirectly on the City Council through public contracts and outsourced services.
"These workers should have decent pay," he continued.
"It is clear that the City can not set the salary that companies pay their workers, but it can make companies opting for public contracts have to pay their employees with dignity," said Moreno.
And is that "the City can not sit back at the economic situation being experienced."
Source: IU+LV Molina de Segura