The writer Luis Leante is the fifth author invited to the Cycle writers in their ink, which will hold its next conference on Thursday 16 October at 20.00 pm in the Library Salvador García Aguilar Molina de Segura (at Avenida del Chorrico, No. 44 .)
On this occasion, the author will speak about how caravaqueño is a writer, since, as explained Leante himself, before arriving at the award-winning work See if I love you (Premio Alfaguara de Novela 2007), he followed a path both long story short, as a novel, even poetry.
Luis Leante born in Caravaca de la Cruz (Murcia) in 1963, has a degree in Classics from the University of Murcia, and until recently has served as professor of Latin in the Secondary School Pla de Alicante.
His work is translated into fourteen languages.
He has received around a dozen awards, including the aforementioned Alfaguara novel, which has catapulted to international fame.
Some of the other awards received were the prize Albacara, in the form of narrative as short story and the prize city of Irun, the Jara Carrillo, the Villa de Crevillent (on three occasions and in different ways), the Town Barbastro, and the stories Teruel (twice), among many others.
He has published books of stories, such as The Last Voyage of Ephraim (1986) and the breeder of canaries (1996), as well as novels Red Road on Thursday (1983), Landscape with river and background Baracoa (1997), Al final Journey (1997), The Silver Age (1998), The Song of zaigú (2000), The flight of the termites (2003, 2005), European Academy (2003) and See if I love you (2007).
Alfaguara preparing the new edition of Landscape with river and Baracoa in the background.
The Cycle of Meetings Literary Writers in ink '08 is organized by the Culture Department of the City of Molina de Segura, and coordinated by the journalist and writer Lola Grace.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura