The 39th International Theatre Festival Molina de Segura, presented for the third consecutive day Teatrillo MAGIC, by the company The Toilet of Dorian Gray (Madrid / Galicia) on Saturday October 4, at 12.15, 13.00, 13.45 , 17.30, 18.15, 19.00, 19.45 and 20.30 in the Plaza of the Region of Murcia.
The invitation should be collected at the site of action.
Assisted by two masters of ceremonies, the public will be invited to enter the interior of a mysterious space, an inflatable tent igloo-shaped turn that hides another space even more mysterious: The Magic Teatrillo.
An amazing and funny puppet show featuring hands in a peculiar prevailing physical laws and which may not always know what is actually happening.
The following proposal for the same day is THE BALLET OF BULBS, by Bubble Soda (Argentina), at 13.00, 13.30, 18.00, 18.30, 19.00 and 19.30 hours, in Paseo Rosales, with free access.
It is a ballet at all, and as if this were not enough, their fragile dancers are light bulbs.
The style, elegance and nonsense, merge with each musical note, to give the public a unique piece of miniature world.
This unique character / handle, along with Strauss's masterpiece accelerations, and the sequence of images, offer the public an optimal environment for the profit lost in the 360 º.
Undoubtedly, when the show ends, something is in the air.
The feeling of having seen a real Ballet:
The third show on Saturday will FEEL THE HEAD (Brazil / Spain), from 18.00 to 21.00 on Runway Park Company, with free access.
All of us have ever been to the salon, a hair cut, to fix ...
in this act there is a desire for transformation, we bring out a new image.
We go to the hairdresser and we often we settle for a little hair fix.
But what if we left the hairdressing brand new, unrecognizable?
What if the hairdresser was not in the neighborhood, but on stage?
If we work hand were the head of fantastic beings, more fairy hairdressers?
If electric groove music enveloped us and the mirror, mirror magic in a tale atmosphere, our image is transformed completely?
What if we were not only us but many who go through that sort of scenario / alchemy workshop and experienced a similar transformation?
What fun would it look like an event like this?
Exactly which offers the spectacle FEEL THE HEAD.
El Paseo Rosales and Park Society hosts the show The glittering Bestiary, by Malabar (France), to 21.30, with free access. Le Bestiaire étincelant (The Bestiary shining) is a breakthrough in traditional gender presenters wonders: a new bizarre saga appears on the streets of our cities.
The Mediterranean basin, according to mythology, is defined as the sacred birthplace of the gods.
Arising from different artistic currents, fed by the circus, full of creative madness, the company brings its dazzling travel far bestiary of unusual creatures.
Malabar company has contributed to the success of many international cultural events such as the centennial of the Eiffel Tower, the Olympic Games in Albertville, the 25 years of BBC Radio 1, etc..
Finally, at 23.00 pm in Guanábana Pub Jam (in Plaza de la Cerámica), with free access to full capacity, is hosting the third Session Golf Festival, with RATE MARATHON, by distillers, and Goñi Ñaco Malcolm Scarpa.
After two years, Little Peter and Johnny have consolidated the project precission distillates.
What began as a weekly meeting to play the blues with friends has become a band that performs more than thirty performances a year, with two recordings.
They have performed at the XIII Festival Internacional de Blues de Cazorla in 2007, at 8 º Festival de Blues de Almería, and were in charge of the festival's opening Espirelia 2008.
NACO GOÑI: a life fully dedicated to the Blues.
At fourteen, in 1981, dropped out of school and down to the Madrid metro
accompany the singer and guitarist Malcolm Scarpa, with whom he formed a duo that lasted until today.
In the period between 1981 and 1985, the duo combined this activity with small daily actions, to
will exchange for
incipient clubs Malasaña and Center.
MALCOLM SCARPA: composer, guitar and voice.
Veteran blues and pop scene in Madrid.
Cult artist, a brilliant composer and performer passionate, singular, eccentric, recognized by the media, by musicians and fans a select cohort.
Unknown to the public.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura