Lowering the traditional pilgrimage to the patron saint of Molina de Segura Lady of Consolation, by reason of the Festivities 2008, from orchard to Hermitage Church of the Assumption, will undergo a small change in the route schedule, as announced by the Councillor Patron, Mariola Martinez Robles.
The event takes place on Monday 22 September and the new route is as follows:
19.30 h:
PILGRIMAGE to Our Patroness Our Lady of Consolation to the chapel. Tour: Plaza Church, Pensioner Street, Street Culture, Calle Mayor, Calle Enrique Bernal Capel (new), Atenza and Chapel Street.
For its part, the parade of floats, scheduled for Saturday 20, and the solemn procession through the streets of the city, held on Sunday 21, keep the routes announced, which are:
19'00 h: PARADE OF FLOATS, with parades and brass bands. Course: Menéndez Pidal, Ctra Chorrico, Avenida Gutiérrez Mellado, Street Sawmills, Avda Madrid, Plaza del Ayuntamiento, Calle Mayor Street Station.
19.30 am: Solemn Procession of Our Lady of Consolation patron. Tour: Plaza Church Street Consolation Sepulchre Street, Main Street, Station Street, Paseo Rosales, Murcia Region Plaza, Plaza Street and Church Pensioner.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura