The Minister of the Presidency, Juan Antonio De Heras, committed this morning with the Mayor of Molina de Segura, Eduardo Contreras, the city will have a new local police station to give better service to areas where more has growing population, such as La Alcayna, Altorreal and rabbits, in addition to service area Molina field.
According to statements by Juan Antonio De Heras, the Presidential collaborate with the City in financing the project.
"Since the Government of the Region of Murcia will be able to help financially in at least 70 percent of the initial budget for the Local Police Headquarters soon be a reality that can benefit all molinense" said De Heras.
Thus, De Heras said that "the work done by the City Council at this time, which consisted of the initial design of this project is perfectly designed and meets the objectives of the regional government, which are not others who work in of our ability, in terms of security, for which they are undertaking numerous actions within the Public Safety Plan for the Region of Murcia. "
This headquarters will be located in the commercial area close to the villages, will serve 24 hours for the entire population of the area and will house between 20 and 30 Local Police.
The presidential adviser stressed that the region "has made a great effort budget, putting on the table more than 300 million euros for the development of Citizen Security Plan of the Region of Murcia, sponsored by the President of the Community, Ramón Luis Valcarcel. "
For this Plan, the regional government was, at the time, "with the other authorities who also have responsibility for security, such as the 45 municipalities," said De Heras
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura