The festivity of the village of La Ribera de Molina will be held until Monday 30 June.
The events planned are:
Wednesday, June 25
22.00, futsal final of 2008.
22.00, clown show and entertainment for children.
Thursday, June 26
10.00, games for children.
22.00 am in the social center, movie and discussion.
Friday, June 27
23.00 hours, holiday proclamation, by Pedro Sanchez Rubio.
Then act of coronation of the homecoming queen 2008.
24.00 pm, performance of the Royal Music Orchestra, followed by a dance marathon.
Saturday, June 28
14.30 hours, great paella.
21.00 am, parade of floats.
24.00 pm, performance of the New Casablanca Orchestra.
Sunday June 29
12.00, solemn Mass sung by the Choral Arts Harmony.
21.30 hours, a procession with the image of the patron, the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Monday, June 30
10.00, child gymkhana.
21.00, awards ceremony and fireworks finale.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura