Local Board of the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) in Molina de Segura has launched the More to Life program, to support women diagnosed with cancer, whose first event will take place on Wednesday 18 June at 18:00 on the premises of the headquarters of the local board, the Center's Garden (on Calle Professor Joaquín Abellán, No. 8).
A lot to live is a support program that offers help to cope with illness and improve quality of life of women diagnosed with cancer.
To do this, the local board of the Spanish Association Against Cancer offers women professionals (psychologists, doctors, physiotherapists, etc.) And voluntary aid.
To cope with the disease and improve quality of life, the program offers: psychological care for women and their families information and support to the diagnosis, treatment and decision making, guidance in finding social resources, recommendations a healthy lifestyle, tips for prevention and treatment, cultural activities, leisure, etc.
Source: AECC Molina de Segura