Citizens of Molina de Segura who wish may make your Income Tax Return for the year 2007 in the Revenue Service Office, located on the ground floor of City Hall (in the General Registry) on Monday May 5 and until 28 June, Monday to Friday, 16:30 to 20:00, and Saturday from 09.00 to 13.00 hours.
The City of Molina de Segura is one of the few in the region that makes the service available to citizens free of charge, and will be attended by four officials.
Anyone making use of this municipal service need not take the form nor on the income statement, and that will be delivered free.
To avoid long waits, it will serve the public by appointment, which may be collected from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 14.00 pm in the City Hall Information Service.
Citations are given from Monday 21 April from 8.00 am.
The documentation necessary to process the statement is as follows:
Draft Income Tax Return 2007 and fiscal data (if available).
AEAT tax data (if any).
If the draft is correct, you only need to submit the above data for confirmation.
Otherwise you should have:
Prior year return (if any).
Family Book and DNI or NIE for all household members who are eligible.
Labour Income certificate (not used payroll).
Payment of union dues, professional associations, etc.
Interest Certificates Boxes / Banks.
Sales certified mutual funds.
Payments or Mutual Pension Plans.
Purchase payments residence (loans).
Food annuity payments (marital separation).
Housing Tax receipts.
Rent collection and expenditure of rental housing.
Child care receipts.
Voluntary Certificates.
Sale dates and amounts for reinvestment residence.
Any other documents that you think may be helpful.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura