Within the Programme for the Prevention of Breast Cancer in the town of Molina de Segura, the Directorate General of Public Health, the Spanish Association against Cancer (AECC), the municipality of Molina de Segura and the county Health Department have launched a campaign to prevent breast cancer, which, from Thursday 24 April and for two months, will mammograms to women in the municipality 4787 aged 50 and 69.
These mammograms performed in two mobile units equipped with the new Municipal Library Salvador García Aguilar.
All women have been referred through the Council by a letter to their homes.
However, it is recommended to all citizens who have not received such letters before May 10 are requested to contact the Health Center or the Municipal Health Clinic.
The Councillor for Health, Lola Vicente Quiles, wants to "encourage all molinense between 50 and 69 years to come to these tests free of preventing a serious disease, if detected in its early stages, has a good prognosis ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura