The Patron Saint of Barrio San José / Los Angeles de Molina de Segura, in honor of their patron saints, will take place on days 1, 2, 3 and 4 May.
The events planned are:
Thursday May 1
11.00, Pilgrimage of patron saints.
12.00 pm Eucharist in the Garden Saint Joseph the Worker.
16.00, Triangular Football 7 Benjamin Altorreal CF, CF and CF molinense Molina School.
20.00 hours, a procession of the patron saints of the various neighborhood streets until their arrival at the Church of the Sagrada Familia.
Friday, May 2
18.00, children's entertainment.
23.00 pm, musical performance Overvill trio.
Saturday, May 3
14.00 h, lunch of brotherhood.
16.30, soccer matches between single and married and single and married.
22.00, Spanish song musical performance by Arantxa Pons and humorous animation Pepe San Diego.
Sunday, May 4
12.30, V Lunch Botero Sardinero.
18.30 am, parade of floats and bands.
21.30, big fireworks finale.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura