The act of receipt of the Mayor of Molina de Segura, Eduardo Contreras Linares, Elizabeth Navarro Martínez, winner of the Young Designers Contest II Region de Murcia 2008, Encarna Rodríguez Hernández, awarded with the publication of his book Inventing Europe, to invent Europeans, and Lorenzo Jiménez Rodríguez, who won the Special Prize for Best Work, one of the prizes Francisco Giner de los Ríos to improve the quality of education in 2007, took place on Tuesday 6 May, in the Office of Mayor Hall.
Fashion designer Elizabeth Navarro Martinez has won the Young Designers Contest II of the Region of Murcia in January 2008 and was awarded a Special Mention of the XVI National Exhibition of Young Fashion Designers Murcia Young in October 2007 for his collection Ladies up and down.
The young molinense is currently finishing her studies in fashion design, who attended the School of Art and Design of Murcia.
In addition, is involved in the development of a major project of high fashion that will be released in late June, in collaboration with designer Antonio Moreno.
The project will be presented at the LAB (Laboratory of Art) in Murcia.
For its part, Encarna Rodríguez Hernández was awarded a scholarship edition on paper and digital his book Inventing Europe, the Europeans invented, by the prestigious European Foundation for Information Society and eGovernment, to EUROEDITIONS through its editorial.
The girl is a doctoral student at the Catholic University of Murcia San Antonio (UCAM).
The book is a thesis that addresses the promotion of European Union citizenship and European identity through EU policies on Culture, Education and Civil Society.
Finally, Lorenzo Jiménez Rodríguez is Professor at IES Cañada de las Eras and received the Special Prize for Best Work, one of the prizes Francisco Giner de los Ríos to improve the quality of education for 2007, awarded by the Ministry of Education and Science.
The title, awarded with 24,000 euros, Identity and Literature (strategies for developing self-awareness, empathy and harmony).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura