The 55th Meeting of the Spanish Confederation Centre Local Studies CECEL, organized here by the Real Academia Alfonso X El Sabio de Murcia, will be held in Molina de Segura on the 27th of September, as announced by the Mayor of Molina de Segura Eduardo Contreras Linares, and the Director of the Real Academia Alfonso X El Sabio, Francisco García-Calvo Tornel, following their meeting held on Wednesday 7 May, in the Office of Mayor of the City molinense.
The interview was also attended by the Deputy Director of the Royal Academy, Juan González Castaño, and the Academic and Official Chronicler of Molina de Segura, Antonio de los Reyes.
The meeting of the representatives attending CECEL throughout Spain, including Ceuta, Melilla, Canary Islands and representatives of provincial and regional academies, all experts in history, art, customs, etc.
This is the first time held in the Region of Murcia.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura