The Tourist Office of Molina de Segura has lent a total of 6,072 information services and has served a total attendance of 5,910 tourists during 2015, the second year of operation of this municipal service, according to data obtained from the Regional Network of Tourist Offices Region of Murcia.
Last day January 20, 2016 marked the second anniversary of opening of the Municipal Center shutters, situated Calle Pensioner, n ° 3 of Molina de Segura, which houses the departments of Commerce, Handicrafts and Tourism, Tourist Office and Living Exhibitions.
From that date until now he has had large crowds.
Since its opening, the center has hosted numerous exhibitions, all local and regional artists.
In 2015 exhibitions have been organized in September, three more than the previous year, beginning the year with Juan Antonio Garcia Garcia, ceramics, and ending with one of the most visited, that of Jesus Herrero Lopez, models of ancient buildings municipality.
A total of 2,100 people visited these exhibitions during 2015.
As the program A walk through history, aimed at students of Elementary and Secondary Education of the municipality and other groups, this last year has enjoyed the participation of 42 groups, 21 groups more than last year, making a total of 1,418 people.
This program allows to know the origins of the Villa, with visits to the Centre the shutters and the Council Oven Museum and House of Folklore, both located in the Castle District.
For his part, the Museum Visit us Programme has received a total of 2,002 school children and other visitors from the first Sunday of the month at the Center for Interpretation Albarda Rites and Traditions of Golf Molina, with 210 visitors;
the second Sunday of the month, in the Ethnographic Museum Carlos Soriano El Llano, with 660 visitors;
and the third Sunday of the month, plus every Saturday and Sunday afternoon, in the oven Council and House of Folklore, with 1,132 people.
Also stresses the participation in the Program concerted visits, a total of 454 people.
As for the Tourist Office, the total attendance 5,910 tourists, 5,710 come from Murcia, 248 are from national sources and 81 are international tourists.
Finally, the program of free guided tours, organized in collaboration with the Institute of Tourism of the Region of Murcia, has made 10 tours: Medieval Molina, Among fireplaces, Key Key Past and future, theatrical, Night Music, etc ., with a total of 357 people from across the region, representing an increase of more than 100 people over the previous year.
According to the Councillor for Tourism, Worship Molina López, "we have met the goal of increasing participation in the 2015 and it is our desire to continue the work of tourism promotion of the municipality, provided a constant quality services," he explains.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura