As noted above the Socialist spokesman "Discrimination of Molina de Segura is a current and historical question being the 4th municipality in the region in terms of population, we occupied 33 of 45 in 2016 per capita spending. 124, € 25, when the regional average of € 293.12. "
Therefore, the Socialist Group in the Regional Assembly registered at the request of the municipal group of Molina de Segura several partial autonomous budget draft 2016 amendments to correct this discrimination.
Before denouncing the Socialist spokesman molinense that the draft budgets of the Autonomous Region for 2016 prepared by the regional government does not provide investment necessary and vital for the city of Molina de Segura, autonomous socialist deputies have registered a battery of amendments thereof for the inclusion of some investments for the city such as improving the layout of the road between Molina and Sewer;
a day center for people affected by Alzheimer's and elderly;
Integrated Vocational Training Centre;
Construction of the College n ° 16 "Gaspar Mondejar" and an auditorium for IES "Glen of Ages".
Similarly, the Social Democratic Party has requested the service of otolaryngology, dermatology, orthopedics, endocrinology, hematology and gynecology at the municipality as well as a family doctor service in the office of La Ribera de Molina.
These amendments, joins the proposal for the creation of a municipal emergency social fund.
According to Esther Clavero, from the socialist group it is working to improve a project approved as raised by the regional government would continue the abuse of the Autonomous Community of the city, but by the team local PP government voice nancy.
"Molina de Segura has suffered the biggest difference in budget reduction for the period 2011-2016 in all municipalities of the Region of Murcia"
Source: PSOE Molina de Segura