Councillor of Finance and Spokesperson of the Local Government of the City of Molina de Segura, Sonia Carrillo Marble, reportedly Thursday 14 January, of the resolutions adopted at the last meeting of the Board of Local Government held Tuesday January 12.
Is the approval of the award of the socio integral service of people with disabilities, amounting to 140,000 euros, and the repair of playgrounds, for an amount of 82,320.49 euros.
Pattern approval occupancy rate for weekly street markets.
Approval of the proposal to award reinforcement works hard on streets developments Altorreal and The Alcayna, for an amount of 34,015.60 euros, the company crushed Transport and Murcia.
Approval of the proposed award of the socio integral service of people with disabilities, amounting to 140,000 euros, Deitania Special Employment Centre.
Award of waterproofing Contreras Amador Street, in the amount of 9498.50 euros, the company JM Associates Morote.
Award of works replacement services in Street Mar Tirreno La Ribera Street and Manuel Lopez Izquierdo del Barrio de La Tranche, amounting to 20,086 euros, the company JM Associates Morote.
Award of Family Respite Service at home, for an amount of 74,358.90 euros, the company Comprehensive Emergency Management.
Contract awarded repair playgrounds, for an amount of 82,320.49 euros, the company URDECON.
Award and settlement firm improvements in industrial estates, amounting to 109,820 euros, the German company Construcciones Ruiz.
Award of making a diagnosis and basic guidelines for urban regeneration in the neighborhoods of San Roque and La Ermita, amounting to 8,470 euros, the company Blancafort Reus Architecture.
Insurance award damages to municipal property delAyuntamiento of Molina de Segura, amounting euros de29.800 wing MapfreSeguros company.
Award program awareness, participation and environmental education aimed at citizens in order to promote their cooperation in the environmental improvement of the city and its natural environment, for an amount of 13,491.50 euros, the company projects and Ecopatrimonio Services.
Award of home telecare service, for an amount of 16,000 euros to the Red Cross.
Technical Service Award of the Youth Space management, amounting to 10,998.90 euros, Dionisio Cutillas.
Award of Technical Support of Educational Facilities, amounting to 15,500 euros, the company in July Imagination.
Award of public health services, amounting to 3,630 euros, Rosario Martinez.
Service Award healthy diet in schools, amounting to 13,500 euros, Ana Quiles.
Approval of the Health and Safety Plan works to improve sidewalks, made by Ayllonza.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura