The Strategy of Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development (EDUSI) approved improve the quality of life in the city in an integrated manner through social cohesion, the fight against poverty, the promotion of low-carbon economy, environmental sustainability and optimizing the use of resources and information technology and communications.
The first plenary session of 2016, extraordinary, the City of Molina de Segura has approved in its single point agenda, the Strategy of Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development (EDUSI) with which the city of Molina de Segura can receive up to 18 million euros from the European Union.
The main objective of the EDUSI is to improve the quality of life of citizens of Molina de Segura in an integrated and sustainable manner.
The strategy is structured around the following thematic objectives: social inclusion;
Low carbon economy;
Information technology and communications;
and Environment.
La Molina, City EDUSI strategy document is a result of months of technical work and meetings with groups, social organizations and molinense direct contact with society, and that meets the guidelines and lines that the European Union and the Consistory as priorities, following the line smart sustainable and inclusive growth.
This project has been determining the process of public participation and transparency, which have been directly involved more than 2,500 people, including social, economic groups, neighborhood, youth, seniors, women and health, who wished to get involved and participate through their suggestions and contributions.
In order to encourage and facilitate citizen participation created a website to publicize the citizens of Molina de Segura EDUSI objectives.
This web has had a major impact with more than 5,000 visits, collecting more than 1,100 surveys filled, where they have been able to appoint and decide the priority issues for the analysis of the situation of the municipality.
The strategy covers the period 2016-2022, and among its main actions may include: rehabilitation and intervention in disadvantaged neighborhoods;
recovery of historical and cultural tourism to promote heritage;
improving energy efficiency in public buildings;
rehabilitation, regeneration and enhancement of green areas in urban areas;
plan of social integration for people at risk of social exclusion, promoting social economy, entrepreneurship and reindustrialization;
improving public services through e-government.
The EDUSI has been valued at 18,750,000 euros, of which 20% must be addressed and financed with municipal funds.
The EDUSI responds to the real vision of people living in Molina de Segura and which are the main protagonists and receiving it, in order to make a city more and more livable, efficient, intelligent, with more and better jobs day affordable, sustainable and attractive for the residents and visitors alike.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura